Questa quella per me pari sono a quant’altre d’intorno,

D’intorno mi vedo del mio core l’impero non cedo meglio ad una che ad altra belta.

La costoro avvenenza e qual dono di che il fato ne infiora la vita;

S’oggi questa mi torna gradita, for se un’altra, forse un’altra doman lo sara un’altra

Forse un’altra doman lo sara.


La costanza, tiranna del core, detestiamo qual morbo, qual morbo crudele,

Sol che vuole si serbi fedele; non v’ha amorse non v’e liberta.


De mariti il geloso furore, degli amanti deride,

anco d’Argo i cent’occhi disfido se mi punge,

se mi punge una qual che belta, se mi punge una qual che belta


If a woman should happen to catch my eye ,it’s always a pleasure, a pleasure to love her

Do not tell her but let her discover,

when I’m loving there’s no guarantee

Though her beauty should hold me enraptured, who can tell what the future is holding;

though today she seems utterly charming ,still tomorrow,

still tomorrow perhaps we will see, to morrow, still tomorrow perhaps we will see.


Obligations and vows of devotion I detest them as cruel ,as cruel diseases.

Let the faithful keep faith if he pleases.

There’s no point in love, if a man is not free.

For the husband, the slave of emotion, for the passions of rivals, I scorn thee

As for Argos and his brothers , I warned them, they’re no terror, they’re no terror or no worry for

me, ah , no they’re no terror or no worry for me.