La donna e mobile qual piu ma al vento
Muta d’accento e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile leggiadro viso, in pianto o in riso
E menzognero
La donna e mobile qual piu mal vento
Muta d’accento e di pensier.
E di pensier
E di pensier
E sempre misero chi a lei s’affida,chi le confida, malcauto il core!
Pur mai non sentesi felice appieno chi su quel seno non liba amore!
La donna e mobile qual piu mal vento
Muta d’accento e di pensier.
E di pensier
E di pensier
Women abandon us, why should it hurt them if we desert them when it’s all over
Women make fools of us, laugh in our faces, cover their traces , take a new lover. Women are liars,
cunning little demons, what is a woman, why should men care? why should men care?
why should men care?
Think of your liberty, those who forget it,
Live to regret it and very badly
Though we have need of them lose all their pride in them
Finish up sadly
Women are liars cunning little demons, what is a woman, why should men care?
Eh !why should men care?
why should men care?