My children! My wife and children! I had to leave you in the fangs of that tiger.

You were the victims to still his deadly fury.

Ah! At the mercy of that monster.Did I leave my wife and children.


Where was ,O wife, your husband ? Where was,O sons ,your father?

When in the night would gather. The bloody horde to deal you death.

Far from my home I languish, in mortal fear and pain and anguish.

My sons in vain you whispered father, my sons unto your last your dying breath.

Ah! Lord when I find the slayer,my sword shall be his jury.

Then should he flee my fury, may heaven forgive Macbeth!

My sword shall be his jury, but should he flee my fury.

May heaven forgive Macbeth, O lord, should the tyrant flee my fury ,

May God forgive Macbeth.


O figli ,o figli miei! Da quel tiranno tutti ucci si voi foste,

E insiem con voi la madre sventurata!

Ah, fra gli artigli di quel tigre io Lascial la madre e i figli?


Ah! La paterna mano non vi fuscudo,o cari,

Dia perfidi sicari che a morte, a morte vi ferir

E me fuggiasco ,oculto voi chiamovate, voi chiamavate in vano

Coll’ultimo singulto,coll’ultimo,coll’ultimo respire.


Ah! Trammi al tiranno in faccia, Signore, e s’ei mi sfuge possa colui le braccia

Del tuo perdono aprir possa a colui le braccia, possa a colui le braccia del tuo perdono aprir,

Signor! possa a colui le bracciadel tuo perdono aprir.